If English :
Tap Language to ENGLISH > click SA Reports and region > Pay To See Content Amount Minimum 0 SD to Maximum 10 SD
Title Format: title Must have (Report Date / Visited Date) (Flowers Name or other identifications) @ (City / Business Name)
Date Format: Month/Day/Year mm/dd/yyyy
For example - 12/24/23 Coco @ Hs San Gabriel
点击语言选择中文 > 点击 SA Reports 与 地区 > 付费内容金额为最小 0 到 最大 10;
标题格式:标题必须包含 (报告日期/今日日期) + (女孩名字或其他辨识ID) @ (城市/城市名称)
日期格式:月/日/年 mm/dd/yyyy
举个栗子 - 12/24/23 Coco @ Apt Santa Ana
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Why separate reviews comments and related posts in a different section?
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Firstly, this tag makes hobbyists to find relevant reviews easily. Secondly, we plan to invite more businesses to join our site in this year, they can post their details to related tags; hobbyists will have more choices, and there is the fact that a specific reports tag will make all reviews clear. Finally, this tag will also properly discourage some fraudulent activities. BTW, there have been many times that we've found someone stealing VIP usernames and pretending them to book, and make some troubles in there. We gave them the trust; but all we got the disappointments. So, we need to do some changes in this year. And, leaving a review report will be the way to be join the VIP group. Pre-existing hobbyists in VIP groups won't be affected by this change, we just encourage you to leave reports here if you feel free, thanks so much, hooray.
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